Beer, Beverage, Glass, Beer Glass.

The Best Craft Breweries Around West Plains

Ostermeier Brewing Company won Best Craft Brewery and runner up for Best Pizza. “As customers we enjoyed the pizza, beer and people that frequented OBC. When I was told it would be closing, I felt the draw to keep it open as it is a local, established business with many loyal patrons and friends,” said Richard Hudson, current owner. “I work alongside the previous owners hoping to learn as much as possible to keep the base of the business consistent while adding our own touch. We appreciate our great customers and friends and hope to continue delivering great beer and pizza. Don’t forget the homemade root beer and cream soda!” The company is located at 1872 South U.S. 63, West Plains. Call the business at 417-942-6306. They are open from 2 to 10 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays, and noon to 10 p.m. Saturdays.

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